ILA-Canada Biennial Conference
International Arbitration: Charting the Path Ahead

May 19,2021
Theme: Canada’s Important Contributions to ISDS and International Commercial Arbitration
10:30 - 10:35 Words and Welcome: Kimberley Stewart, CEO/Founder, Arbitration Place and Marsha S. Cadogan, Founder, Canaan Bridges Consulting Inc. and MSC Intellectual Property & Technology Law, Vice-President/Secretary, ILA-Canada.
10:35 - 11:00 Keynote: Andrea Bjorklund, Professor and the L. Yves Fortier Chair in International Arbitration and International Commercial Law, McGill University Faculty of Law.
Title of Keynote: “A Time for Trade-offs”’
11:00 – 11:15
Questions to Keynote Speaker: Konstantia Koutouki, Full Professor, Université de Montreal, President, ILA-Canada
11:15 - 12:30
Panel One: Two speed Investment Arbitration: The interplay of new and older BITs and Investment Chapters in Recent Trade Agreements
Chair: Armand de Mestral - Professor Emeritus; Jean Monnet Chair in the Law of International Economic Integration, Expert in International Arbitration Law, McGill University.
Wolfgang Alschner - Professor International Economic Law, Faculty of Common Law, University of Ottawa, “New treaties vs old precedents: Why new agreements struggle to correct past (mis)interpretations”
Sylvie Tabet - General Counsel, Trade Law Bureau, Global Affairs Canada
Commentator: Lukas Vanhonnaeker - Post-doctoral fellow McGill University, Faculty of Law, Intern, EU Commission, Brussels
12:30 - 1:45 Panel Two: Arbitration or an International Investment Court: The search for a new Paradigm
Chair: Matthew Kronby – Partner, International Trade and Investment, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
Marc Bungenberg - Director of the Europa-Institut, Saarland University, Germany, Professor for Public International Law and European Law
Céline Lévesque - Full Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa and Arbitrator
Commentator: Ursula Kriebaum - Professor of Public International Law, University of Vienna
May 20, 2021
Theme: International Commercial Arbitration - Charting the Path Ahead
10:30 - 10:50 Keynote: The Honourable Barry Leon, Arbitrator and Mediator – Arbitration Place, 33 Bedford Row Chambers (London), Caribbean Arbitrators; former Presiding Judge, BVI Commercial Court
Title of Keynote: “Considerations for the Future of Commercial Arbitration in Canada”
10:50 - 10:55: Questions for Keynote speaker
Video break: (Arbitration Place)
10:55 - 12:10 Panel One: International Intellectual Property Disputes and Arbitration: Intersections and Issues
Chair: Michael Erdle - Chartered Mediator and Arbitrator, Practical Resolutions Inc.
The Honourable Faith Hochberg – U.S.D.J (ret.), U.S Federal Court Judge, FCIArb, Fellow, College of Commercial Arbitrators, Hochberg ADR LLC, “Strategic Considerations in Drafting Arbitration Agreements”
Heike Wollgast - Head, IP Disputes Section, WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center, “Resolving international intellectual property disputes through WIPO Arbitration”
Christopher Gibson - Professor of Law, Director of ADR Program and Director of the Business Law and Financial Services Concentration, Faculty of Law, Suffolk University, “Exercising Opportunities for Control in Technology Arbitrations”
Mark Kantor – International Arbitrator in Investment and Commercial Disputes, “Patent Rights and Arbitration: Why and Why Not"?
Commentator: Natalia Gulyaeva – FCIArb, Office Managing Partner, Hogan Lovells CIS (Arbitrating Technology IP Disputes)
12:10 – 12:15
Break (Announcements and Musical Interlude: Live Band - Aaron Ridge Ensemble)
Panel Two: Charting the Future in International Arbitration
12:15 - 1:30 Chair: Oonagh E. Fitzgerald - Senior Fellow, Human Rights Research & Education Centre, University of Ottawa; Director, ILA- Canada; Co-chair, Canadian Environmental Domestic Advisory Group under CETA
Gus Van Harten - Professor and Associate Dean (Academic), Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, “Distinctions between international commercial arbitration and international investment arbitration”
Laura Cundari - Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) and Partner at Blake, “Domestic and International Institutional Rule Changes 2020-21: Maximizing Efficiency in Arbitration”
Ksenia Polonskaya – Professor, Department of Law and Legal Studies, Carleton University, “Limits of Corporate Social Responsibility in Investment Arbitration’’
David Pavot – Professor, Research Chair on Anti-doping in Sports, Business School, Université de Sherbrooke, “Current issues of the Court of Arbitration in Sport”
Commentator: Catherine Kessedjian - Prof. émérite, Université Panthéon-Assas Paris II; President, Organizing Committee ADI/ILA 2023.
Conference Closing
1:30 - 1:45
1:30 - 1:35 Closing remarks: Konstantia Koutouki and Armand de Mestral
1:35 - 1:45 Closing performance: Jazz band– Aaron Ridge Ensemble
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